Ignou mard project proposal

Ignou MARD Project Proposal Guidelines – MRDP1 Dissertation Sample

Having studied the basis of rural development, it is appropriate that you get familiarized with the rural setting in our country. The field work and preparation of the Ignou MARD project proposal is going to be a new experience for most of you.

What you have learnt in theory papers may help you, to some extent, in understanding the rural situation. Surely you have chosen MARD with a purpose. Therefore, you must be eager to acquire some specialized knowledge on the subject. Most people learn by doing.

That is how exactly we are trying to help the students of Rural Development. Although as a distant learner, you may face various limitations during the learning process, still we shall help you to acquire not only information and knowledge, but also skills in analyzing rural situations, their problems and the impact of various programmes being implemented.

We shall also try to equip you with skills for developing Ignou project proposals for research, tools for data collection, report writing and making suggestions or recommendations. In short, you will be able to translate into action what you have learned in MRD-004:


Research Methods in Rural Development Project

The main purpose of this exercise is to sensitize you with the realities of rural life. Therefore, you will be choosing a topic of your interest for specialization. This may be pertaining to the area in which you are already working or you may like to work.

You have grasped, we are sure, from the theory papers that the areas and issues pertaining to rural development are very vast. Here we would like you to concentrate on a particular theme or topic to specialize in MARD project online help.

 Ignou MARD Project Sample

MARD Synopsis Sample (2935 downloads )

Objectives of MRDP-001 Synopsis are to


  • Acquaint you with rural situations
  • Help you to choose a topic of your interest relating to rural life for in depth study
  • Help you gain practical knowledge required in preparing a research proposal
  • Assist you in conducting an empirical study  enable you to write down a project report of good quality
  • Choose a suitable topic (title) for your dissertation
  • Develop the research design for conducting the study
  • Describe, by way of a brief statement, the problem or issue you have chosen to study  identify the objectives of your study
  • Identify the geographical area or locale of your study
  • Identify the universe of the study develop the sampling framework
  • Prepare tools for data collection based on the objectives and hypothesis (if any) help you in actual data collection by visiting the sampling units
  • Scrutinize the data collected
  • Develop a code book for data entry train you in the actual entry of data (manual or computer)
  • Tabulate data and to do statistical calculation
  • Choose relevant tables for inclusion in different chapters based on themes/objectives
  • Develop draft chapters  finalize various chapters with the guidance of the supervisor  to conduct proof reading, binding and submission of the MARD thesis.


What is IGNOU MARD Project/Dissertation ?

Ignou MARD project work is an indirect and enabling method, which helps you to acquire fresh information in an organized way regarding a topic. Usually a topic is chosen on which not adequate studies have been done in the past. It is also possible that you choose a topic on which studies were done earlier, but with different objectives.

One can choose any specific topic and study any particular aspect pertaining to that topic. For example, lots of studies were done on Integrated Child Development Services (schemes) ICDS. Yet you can choose the same ICDS and concentrate on a specific area such as: comparative study between blocks or states, between tribes, between tribals and nontribals, role of media, role of social workers, role of health care workers vis-à-vis the rural settings and so on.

In the project, a systematic approach is adopted for collecting new facts, tabulating and analyzing data and discussing the findings. “Systematic” approach has been explained in the course MRDP-004.

For example, one may say that the male-female ratio in India is 1:1 or 50:50. The actual position can be found out from the National Census Survey carried out by Government of India once in ten years.

The 2001 data show that there are only 935 females for every 1000 males. Similarly, we have accurate data to show the increase in literacy rate in the country which is evident from various National Census Surveys.

The outcome of the project work will be in the form of a MARD dissertation. The dissertation will have an introduction which will clarify the topic and the issue being investigated. It will also briefly describe various studies conducted earlier by individuals and/or organizations.

Based on the review of such literature, the dissertation will specify what new area is proposed to be studied or explored. The research design or the chapter on Methodology of the Ignou MARD project proposal will discuss step by step how the study was carried out and the data compiled.

The dissertation will conclude with a chapter which will provide major findings and suggestions or recommendation for implementation and/or for further investigation.


Selection of MRDP 1 Topic

For initiating the Ignou MARD project proposal work, the first and the foremost step is that of topic selection. The choice of topic should preferably be based on the course materials provided to you.

Remember not to select a topic which is chosen by other students of M.A. (RD) known to you. The University will reject the dissertation, if it is found to be copied, repeated or translated from another dissertation. One can be debarred from continuing the programme of study for a couple of years or even for lifetime.


Consultation with your Supervisor

Project Proposal of MARD Project

The Ignou MARD project project proposal that you will make may be of about 10 pages. It should clearly clarify the conceptual framework and should contain a brief statement of the problem, objectives, hypothesis (if any), universe of the study (overall milieu), sample size, proposed tools for data collection, data collection process, tabulation and statistical calculation and the proposed scheme of chapterization.


Preparation of Tools for Data Collection

1 – Data Collection

2 – Data Analysis

Data analysis needs thorough concentration as you need to make proper notes, assign codes and transfer raw data into a sheet on which various statistical techniques can be applied.


Report Writing

The analysis of the data has to be presented in the form of a report. It is suggested that you prepare the plan for draft dissertation in which you may have about five to eight chapters. You may see the example of the project proposal given in Part IV of this Project Work Handbook.

Your first chapter can be the ‘Introduction’ chapter which will spell out the what, why and how of the topic you would like to investigate. The second chapter could be on ‘Research Design’ which will provide the methodology as well as the ‘review of literature’ pertaining to studies conducted in similar and/or same area, specifically showing the fresh knowledge and information you wish to add to the study area through your own research.


MARD Report Submission

The MRDP 1 dissertation you have prepared is a document of importance. You have spent time, money and expertise in developing this valuable document. This document could be later kept in a Library for use by others. You may also think of publishing the same in the form of a book or as a research paper.

Perhaps you may like to make a presentation of your findings in a seminar or a conference. All these potentials and possibilities speak volumes for the nature and importance of the Ignou MARD project you have compiled.


  • The dissertation, should be properly typed (preferably computer-typed) in double space, 12 font in A-4 size (29 × 20 cm) paper.
  • The final draft should be shown to your supervisor before binding.
  • You must read the typed version and correct the typing errors; page numbers are to be given and relevant illustrations are to be placed in appropriate pages and chapters.
  • You should attach a copy of the approved project proposal while getting the copies bound.
  • For fulfillment of the requirements of the course in hand, a declaration from you that the work is original and has not been submitted to IGNOU or any other university or institution, must also be included in your dissertation.
  • Attach a certificate from your supervisor stating that the Project Work was done under his/her supervision and that it is a genuine and original work
  • The first page should have your name, enrolment number, full address, name of the supervisor etc.
  • Loose and/or spiral binding is not permitted.
  • Proper binding is to be done with hard cover page in preferably light rose colour (light rose colour is the official colour of SOCE).
  • Two copies of the Project Report are to be prepared: One for IGNOU and the other to be retained by you as your personal copy.
  • One copy is to be mailed by registered post or submitted by hand to: The Registrar, SR&E Division, Maidan Garhi, IGNOU, New Delhi-110068. The University will require about 4 to 6 months to complete the evaluation process before your grades/results are declared. The evaluation is done by a pool of experts identified by IGNOU from across the country. Therefore, the evaluation process requires sufficient time.

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Guidelines For The Preparation Of MRDP 1 Project Proposal

You may prepare a draft proposal and discuss the same with your supervisor. The following steps are provided to you for preparing the project proposal.

1) Project Title

The title of the project should clearly specify the type and nature of the project. It should be clear, brief and specific. It is suggested that the topic should be related to your field of work.

2) Introduction

In the introduction, you may provide a description of the Ignou MARD project proposal topic, broad area of the study; why the topic is important and clarification of the important concepts.

3) Statement of the Problem

The statement of problem should briefly contain an analysis and relevance of the problem. To be exacts, this is a rationale for carrying out the study. Existing literature is reviewed and gaps are brought out so as to provide justification for choosing specific topic of the study.

4) Objectives

The objectives of the proposed project work should state your intention for carrying out this project. Usually a topic contains three to four objectives. These objectives of Ignou MARD project can be given in a serial form, pinpointing your approach.

For example, you want to study the problem of drop-out among girl children in a rural area. You may like to study the reasons for high drop-outs rate among various socio-economic classes of people. Such objectives thus, will spell out the scope of the study.


5) Hypothesis

Hypothesis is the probable answer to the problem you have undertaken, and the project tests the hypothesis. But not all studies involve testing of hypothesis (mostly experiment-based studies have hypotheses). You can discuss with your supervisor as to type of study you want to undertake.

You may even avoid hypotheses for your study since you are expected to make only a small survey of about 100 respondents.

6) Universe of the Study

If the project involves field work, you should define the universe of the study. Universe is defined as the entire area or population taken for the particular study. This will depend on the geographical limits of the study and the unit of the study. For instance, if you are studying the characteristics of households in a village, then all the households will comprise the universe of the study. You will draw the sample from this universe.

7) Sample

If your Ignou mard project proposal is based on field work you will have to choose a sample from the universal. A sample is representative of the whole population. Sampling can be done in many ways such as random sampling, cluster sampling etc. To know more about the different types of sampling, please refer to on any standard book on statistics which you might have consulted while studies on preparing for Research Methods is Rural Development.

8) Tools for Data Collection

You should suggest what kinds of tools you intend to use for the collection of data from various sources. You may have to choose more than one tool for a particular study since social reality is always complex and multi-faceted.

9) Data Analysis

The raw data has to be scrutinized and coded and then data analysis can be done, using statistical methods. It is desirable that the techniques, which you intend to use are mentioned in the proposal.

10) Tables

Tables will have relevant statistical calculations such as percentage, mean, median standard deviation, co-relation etc. Tables will have proper numbers (i.e. Chapter I will have Table 1.1, Table 1.2 etc; Chapter 2 will have Table 2.1, Table 2.2 etc.).

Table number will be followed by Table title which should be as brief as possible while conveying the matter contained in the table clearly. If a table is lifted from some other sources, it should be indicated below the table.

Table interpretation may be given in three paragraphs:

(i) an introduction to the parameter or topic,

(ii) interpretation,

(iii) major findings-indications.

11) Chapter Plan

Chapter plan or chapterization will give a tentative plan for writing the report. This exercise will help you in completing your dissertation smoothly and in a systematic way.

12) Report Writing

For writing report, you must follow the following guidelines:

Make a chapter plan (see the example in Part IV)


  • The length of each chapter should be more or less the same. For example, it should not be that one chapter is of 15 pages and another of 40 pages. The ideal chapter length should be of around 20 pages.
  • Each chapter will bear

— Chapter number

— Chapter title

— Introduction

— Main titles, subtitles and sub-sub titles

— Conclusions

— Proper references

— Graphics/illustrations etc.

— Well presented with proper layout.


  • Do not fill up chapters with too may tables. You may have about 5 to 7 tables in a chapter.
  • Choose only the most important areas for presentation in tabular form.
  • Rest of the findings can be given in a narrative form.


Important Question Ask by Students

Q – What is the last date to submit the Synopsis and project report?
Ans –
Synopsis Last date For July batch is March 30th
Report Last date For July batch is May 30th
Synopsis Last date For Dec/ Jan batch is September 30th
Report Last date For Dec/ Jan is November 30th

Q – How to Download the Appendix Where to take signature of supervisor?
Ans –
Please click on the link to download it. The proforma is at 58th page MARD Project Guidelines

Q – Where and how to Send the Synopsis and Report of MARD Project
Ans –
You have to hard bind it and speed post to below is the Following
Registrar, SR&ED, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, 110068

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