ignou mca project


Brief About IGNOU MCA Project - MCSP 60 Dissertation

Masters of computer application is a post graduate degree, the demand of qualified professionals in the IT field. Computer applications is a use of computer to solve a problem or to accomplish a particular Job and this is tested by the supervisor by checking the Ignou MCA Project of the students. The Master of computer application (MCA) programme prepares the students to take up professional positions as system analysts, Systems Designers, Software Engineers, Programmers and Project Managers in any field related to information technology.

The comprehensive knowledge of the programme covers the skills and core ideas of computer science courses with equal emphasis on the theory and practicals. The Study (MCA) encourages to spend at least six months working on a project preferably in any research organization or in a software industry. Approval of the project proposal is mandatory to continue and submit the project work.

The theoretical background of various courses provides you the necessary foundation, principles, and practices to develop effective ways to solve computing problems. The hands on experience gained from the practical courses provides you the knowledge to work with various operating systems, programming languages, software tools and testing tools. The objective of the Ignou MCA project work is to develop quality software solution. During the development of the project, you should involve in all the stages of the software development life cycle like requirements engineering, systems analysis, systems design, software development, testing strategies and documentation with an overall emphasis on the development of reliable software systems.

One can pursue MCA after the completion of bachelor’s degree. Basically, the graduates of Bachelor’s of Computer Applications (BCA) pursue MCA. The course emphasis on latest programming languages and tools to develop better and faster applications. BCA makes a base while MCA adds a specialized touch in the subjects studied in BCA.

IGNOU Project Guide Eligibility For MCA

  1. A person having Ph.D./ M.Tech. in Computer Science with a minimum of one year of experience.
  2. A person having B.E./B.Tech. (Computer Science), MCA, M.Sc. (Computer Science) with minimum 2 years experience, preferably in software development.

Please ensure that at any given point of time, a guide should not provide guidance for more than 5 MCA students of IGNOU.

Violation of the project guidelines will lead to the rejection of the project at any stage.

Assessment Guidelines For IGNOU Project Evaluation of MCA

Each and every component of the Ignou mca project work and the viva voce carries its own weightage, so the student needs to concentrate on all the sections given in the project report formulation. In this section, we have given a few general parameters as checkpoints for the assessment of any software development project. You can note these points and emphasise them during the project report preparation and examination. Basically, assessment will be based on the quality of your report, the technical merit of the project and the project execution. Technical merit attempts to assess the quality and depth of the intellectual effort, you have put into the project. Project execution is concerned with assessing how much work you have put in.

Unfair means

Students shall not use unfair means in connection with any of the project synopsis or the project report. The University will take the unfair means cases of the project synopsis and project reports seriously and would be referred to Examination Discipline Committee of IGNOU for necessary action.

Steps involved in the project work of MCSP 60

The total undertaking work should be finished by the study as it were. The job of guide must be about direction wherever any issue experiences amid Ignou mca project. Coming up next are the real advances engaged with the project, which may assist you with determining the achievements and direct the planning of the task:

  • Select a subject and a reasonable guide.
  • Prepare the project synopsis in discussion with the venture direct.
  • Submit the project proposal alongside the important records to the Regional Director of the Regional Centre concerned.
  • Receipt of the project proposal from the Regional Centre concerned.
  • Carry out the project work.
  • Prepare the project report.
  • Submit the project proposal to the Regional Director of the Regional Centre concerned
  • Appear for the viva-voce according to the hint by the Regional Director.

Correspondence of the endorsement Communication in regards to the project Approval/Non-approval will be sent to you inside one to about two month and a half after the receipt of the project synopsis by the Regional Centre concerned. Re submission of the mca proposal if there should arise an occurrence of non-approval , the proposals for reformulating the project will be send to you. The overhauled task summation alongside another proforma, must be re-submitted alongside a duplicate of the prior abstract and non-approval proposal proforma in the following opening. For instance, if the student presented the summation amid the first April to 30th June space and isn’t endorsed because of the reasons referenced by the evaluator, she/he is qualified to resubmit the overhauled project outline just amid the following opening i.e., first October to 31st December. If the learner needs to change the project topic or programming or the undertaking guide, she/he may do as such and can present a new project proposal. The changed undertaking proposal must be sent alongside the first duplicate/photocopy of the non-approved proforma of the before submitted synopsis, to the Regional Centre Concerned. Re submission of MCA project in the event of fizzled the student, If the student is unsuccessful in the task, she/he should ‘re-do’ the entire cycle, appropriate from the accommodation of the undertaking proposal and same rules goes for Ignou Ma psychology project. student are encouraged to choose another point for the undertaking and ought to plan and present the project proposal to the Regional Centre worried according to the task rules. Separate entries of the task outline and the project reports should be done entirely according to the “Logbook for the MCA dissertation” given in the undertaking rules.

ignou mca project

Points to Remember While Preparing Project Proposal

The project proposal must be set up in counsel with your guide. The Ignou MCA project proposal should unmistakably express the project research and nature of the proposed task to be attempted. The project work ought to obligatorily incorporate the product advancement. The project proposition should contain finish points of interest in the accompanying structure:

  • Proforma for Approval of Ignou MCA Project Proposal appropriately filled and marked by both the understudy and the Project Guide with date.
  • Bio-information of the supervisor control with her/his mark and date.
  • Synopsis should be (15-20 pages) covering the accompanying angles:

(i)        Title of the Project.

(ii)       Introduction and Objectives of the Project.

(iii)      Project Category (RDBMS/OOPS/Networking/Multimedia/Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems and so forth.).

(iv)      Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement determinations.

(v)       Problem Definition, Requirement Specifications (Detailed useful Requirements and Technical Specifications), Project Planning and Scheduling (Gantt outline and PERT graph).

(vi)      Scope of the arrangement.

(vii)     Analysis (Data Models like 0, 1 and 2 level DFDs, Complete ER Diagrams with cardinality, Class Diagrams and so forth according to the task prerequisites).

(viii)    A finish Database and tables detail with Primary and Foreign keys, and appropriate limitations in the fields (according to extend necessities)

(ix)      A finish structure which incorporates:

  • Number of modules and their depiction to give an estimation of the students exertion on the task. Alongside process rationale of every Module.
  • Data Structures according to the venture necessities for every one of the modules.
  • Process Logic of every module.
  • Implementation procedure
  • List of reports that are probably going to be produced. 10

(x) Overall system design (whenever required for your venture)

(xi) Implementation of security components at different dimensions

(xii) Future extension and further upgrade of the undertaking.

(xiii) Bibliography

  • A self-tended to envelope with appropriately attached postage stamps (to send it by standard post just) on it.

Project Proposal finished in all viewpoints with important fenced in areas should be sent to the Regional Director of the Regional Centre concerned. While presenting your synopsis on your Regional Centre, on the highest point of the envelope you should make reference to “MCA Project Proposal (MCSP-060)”. By no means, should the project synopsis be sent to SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi.

  1. An undertaking proposition, when endorsed, is legitimate for one year (two openings). If, the student can’t present her/his Ignou MCA project report according to the space, she/he might be given another possibility for accommodation of the undertaking report in the ensuing opening. In the event that s/despite everything he doesn’t present the undertaking report, a new summary endorsement is required.
  2. All passages of the proforma of endorsement ought to be topped off with fitting and finish data. Deficient endorsement proforma in any regard will be summarily dismissed.
  3. A photocopy of the total Project Proposal (alongside Project Proforma, Project Synopsis, Bio-information of the guide) submitted to your Regional Centre, ought to be held by the understudy for future reference.
  4. The assessed venture proposition proforma alongside the points of interest of Approved/Disapproved will be sent to the student inside one or two month after the proposition is gotten at Regional Centre concerned. On the off chance that in the event that it is opposed, the proposals for reformulating the task will be conveyed to the study. Amended undertaking proposition proforma, , Cv or Resume of the guide with her/his mark on it, ought to be sent alongside the first duplicate/photocopy of the non-endorsed proforma of the before task proposition, to the Regional Centre Concerned.
  5. The project is a piece of your last semester (sixth semesters) educational programs. students are qualified to present the undertaking recommendations in the wake of entering the fifth semester of MCA according to the handbook.
  6. If the student requires any undertaking student letter from the University for completing a venture in any association/programming organization, they can get a “Task Trainee letter” bore witness to by the Project Coordinator/Regional Director/Asst. Local Director.
  7. If it’s not too much trouble guarantee that at some random purpose of time, a guide ought not give direction to more than 5 MCA student of IGNOU.
  8. Infringement of the task rules will prompt the dismissal of the project at any stage.

How to get IGNOU MCA Project Report / Thesis / Dissertation / Synopsis

To get IGNOU MCA Project Report, just email your Subject Codes at [email protected].

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