Ignou BTS Solved Assignments

Ignou BTS Solved Assignments 2023 24

Ignou BTS Solved Assignments 2023 24 is for the students who are pursuing a Bachelor in Tourism (BTS) degree from IGNOU? You must know the significance of solved assignments in evaluating your final grades. It is no secret that scoring good grades in IGNOU is crucial for a good career ahead.

Overview of IGNOU BTS Solved Assignments 2023 24

Solved assignments for IGNOU BTS are released each semester and consist of questions based on study materials provided in your course. Solving these assignments accurately is part of your internal assessment and helps you understand the system better. Each assignment carries 30% weighting in your overall grade, so taking them seriously is essential.

Guidelines to Follow While Solving Assignments

The solved assignments carry a particular format, and following the guidelines is crucial. The solution should be legible, neat, clean, and easy to understand. Make sure that you have followed all the guidelines of Ignou University and that the answer is aligned with the question. Writing the right format details, such as enrolment number, program code, etc., is also crucial.

Mistakes to Avoid While Solving Tourism Assignments

One common mistake students make while solving assignments is not answering the questions as per the guidelines provided. Also, not sticking to the word limit or not including sufficient references can lead to poor grades. It is essential to proofread your answers before the final submission, as grammatical errors and spelling mistakes can also lead to a loss of marks.

Tips to Score High in IGNOU BTS Solved Assignments

To score good marks in the IGNOU BTS assignments, you must thoroughly understand the course material. Make notes and summarise each chapter to remember the crucial points. Use correct referencing format with proper citations. Take help from online resources like previous year’s solved assignments and discussion forums to clear your doubts. Hence, following a disciplined approach and working hard, you can score good grades in BA tourism solved assignments.

First Year Assignments of BA in Tourism

Subject Code Title of the Course
TS-01 Foundation Course in Tourism
TS-02 Tourism Development: Products, Operations and Case Studies
BSHF-101 Foundation Course in Humanities & Social Sciences
BEGF-101 Foundation Course in English
FEG-02 Foundation Course in English-2
BTMS-185 Airport Handling

Second Year Assignments of BTS

Subject Code Title of the Course
TS-04 Indian Culture: Perspective for Tourism
TS-05 Ecology, Environment and Tourism
FST-01 Foundation Course in Science and Technology
PTS-04 IGNOU PTS 04 Project
PTS-05 IGNOU PTS 05 Project

Third Year Assignments of BTS

Subject Code Title of the Course
TS-03 Management in Tourism
TS-06 Tourism Marketing
PTS-06 IGNOU PTS 05 Project
AHE-01 Human Environment
AHE-01 P AHE 01 Project

IGNOU BTS solved assignments 2023 24 are not just a mere evaluation tool but an opportunity to understand the course in-depth and score well in your final grades. Make sure to download or collect the latest solved assignments, follow the guidelines, and avoid common mistakes while solving them. By following these simple steps and sincere efforts, you can score great marks in your BA tourism solved assignments for the session 2023 24.